Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Category Archives for "Columbus Ohio Website Design"

Sep 2020
The Best and Worst Ways to Use Social Media

Use Social Media Social media marketing is still a relatively new and evolving field. There isn’t a whole lot that we, or anyone else, can say definitively about what works and what doesn’t, and especially which sites or techniques are going to be important and profitable in the future. Still, we can point you at […]

Sep 2020
Marcy Design Wins Summit Web Design Award

Summit Web Design Award The Marcy Design Group, Inc., won two 2020 Summit Web Design Award. SIA is an international competition for creative professionals. The other awards this year were from Hermes Creative Awards and Communicator Awards. Awards for Design included in the Websites – Non-profit Website category. The first was a Silver Award for […]

Sep 2020
When Building Your Business Website, Don’t Forget the Content

Building Business Websites There’s an exciting moment when we get to show a client what their new design looks like. Or even just watching their faces when we present them with an updated layout. That’s because most of us, on one level or another, are visual thinkers. We are hardwired to be blown away by […]

Sep 2020
Your Company’s Website is Your Brand

Website is Your Brand The bigger the client, the more likely it is that an executive, owner, or employee is going to bring up branding at some point during one of our initial meetings about website design. Don’t get us wrong; branding is a great topic, and one that any business, large or small. Should […]

Sep 2020
Social Media Sites Aren’t Just for Talking

Social Media Sites You could pick out 100 books, articles, and seminars on social media sites. And it’s a nearly certain bet that every one of them would focus on building a professional-looking profile, uploading lots of interesting content consistently. And working your messages into some kind of coherent marketing plan. That’s all good advice, […]

Aug 2020
Why Social Media Matters to the Auto Industry

Why Social Media Matters Social media, besides helping friends and family members stay in touch and up-to-date. Is quickly becoming known for the ways it is changing the relationships people have with the companies they do business with. Hundreds of millions of people are now using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn regularly. And they […]

Aug 2020
3 Things Every Auto Dealership Needs to Show Online

Every Auto Dealership Needs to Show Online In many ways, the websites for independent auto dealerships tend to resemble one another quite a bit. After all, there’s only so much you can do when it comes showing car buyers what you’re all about. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few things you can do […]

Aug 2020
Marcy Design Develops Wall Display Design for Strait & Lamp Office

Beautiful Wall Display Design Marcy Design created and developed a wall display design for the office of Strait & Lamp. Historical photos and dimensional panels really set off their office and presents a professional image for their employees. Steve Arnold, President stated:”The Strait and Lamp Group is elated, on how Marcy Design group brought our […]

Jul 2020
Great SEO Campaign: Test Your Ideas With Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Great SEO Campaign from Marcy Design The majority of all online marketers prefer organic search engine optimization to paid search ads. That makes good business sense. Given that pay-per-click advertising (PPC) means forking over money for every visit to your website, while organic SEO isn’t so transactional. Still, there can be big value in running […]

Jul 2020
Marcy Design Wins 2 International Web Design Awards From Communicator Awards

International Web Design The Marcy Design Group, Inc., won two 2020 Awards from the from the Communicator Awards. The Communicator Awards is an international web design competition for creative professionals. Awards for Design included in the Websites – General-Associations for Websites Overall category. The first was a Award Distinction the Ohio Chamber of Commerce website. […]


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2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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