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Category Archives for "Advertising"

Jan 2023
How Quickly Should a New Advertising Campaign Pay Off?

New Advertising Campaign When it comes to new advertising campaigns, there are two schools of thought. The first is that every ad should be set up as a direct response mechanism. And that an unsuccessful first run should lead to changes in the campaign, if not scrapping it and starting over. The second philosophy, on […]

Jan 2023
The Easiest Way To Improve Your Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing Effectiveness There aren’t a lot of surefire ways to boost the results you’re going to get from a marketing plan. But if you’re looking for marketing effectiveness tool to increase your ROI in 2013, try this: Be more specific about everything. That is, as you put your marketing plan together, force yourself to be […]

Jan 2023
One Resource Too Many Marketers Never Take Advantage Of

One Resource When it comes to finding new customers, one resource small business owners will try just about anything. They’ll run ads, optimize their websites, and take dozens of other steps to try to attract new buyers. That’s smart, of course, but too many of them miss an obvious opportunity – to partner with other […]

Jan 2023
The Easiest Way to Get More Social Content

More Social Content More social content has become all-important to Internet marketing, especially when it comes to social media and search engine positioning. But, many companies struggle to find fresh articles, posts, and ideas week after week. We think a lot of them should just consider getting content the easy way: having your customers provide […]

Jan 2023
Three Reasons Binge Marketing Doesn't Work

Binge Marketing Although fitness and weight loss are big concerns in our country, you’ll find that doctors from coast to coast strongly advise against “binge dieting.” For the simple reason that it’s dangerous and just doesn’t work. It’s a lot more healthy and natural to simply change your eating habits on a permanent basis and […]

Jan 2023
The Best and Worst Way to Evaluate Marketing Case Studies

Marketing Case Studies When you’re on the web, looking for a new business web designer or Internet marketing firm. You undoubtedly come across dozens of different marketing case studies and success stories, each one designed to prove that the firm you’re reading about really is the best. In some cases they might be, and others […]

Jan 2023
How to Manage Time Horizons and Marketing Goals Together

Marketing Goals Now If you are having trouble reconciling the conflict between long-term marketing goals and the fast pace at which things change. You certainly aren’t alone. It’s a challenge across the industry, even for those of us who deal with it every day. How do you keep your “eyes on target” when new ideas […]

Jan 2023
Three Things to Consider With Celebrity and Expert Endorsements

Celebrity and Expert Endorsements Using well-known names and faces to promote what you sell is a time-tested concept. Psychologists even have a term for why it works – “social proof”. And outline the process by which we subconsciously trust celebrities and expert authorities. So, it makes sense to find someone from TV, radio, or industry […]

Jan 2023
Could You Turn Past Failures Into Future Successes?

Turn Past Failures Into Future Successes Right about now, most of us are getting more than enough advice on what to do at the end of the year, how to spend our money. And what sorts of things to reflect on. So, with our apologies for piling on, let us share an important idea that […]

Jan 2023
Should You be a Marketing Leader… or a Market Follower?

Marketing Leader When it comes to your marketing messages, should you be a marketing leader in your industry, telling customers what you think they need to know. Or a follower who gives them the features and benefits you think they want to hear about? The difference is subtle, but it can sometimes be important. Especially […]


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347 S Gould Rd
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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