Strategies Work
In an earlier post, we looked at the way that up-and-coming companies can market themselves as underdogs. And can appeal to buyers’ sense of wanting to “help the small guy.” Today, we want to look at another aspect of underdog marketing strategies, which revolves around the fact that certain groups of people want to buy something that other people don’t have. Or haven’t heard of – and in fact, some of them only want to buy products that are relatively unknown. Strategies work.
In other words, you can sometimes make sales (often at higher prices) just by being different. Although packaging your products or services differently might be a first step, it helps if you actually have some tangible differences in style and benefits, too.
Improve Your Business
After that, it’s largely a matter of embracing your niche status. Often, that means taking on fewer customers and attendees, or getting by with shorter production runs. That’s because it’s actually a benefit if you don’t have enough of what you sell for everyone to get some. And, as an added bonus, you can typically save on big-time advertising strategies and prime real estate locations, since the buyers you’re looking for want something offbeat and relatively “hidden.” Strategies work.
The downside to this kind of marketing plan is obvious: You can only have so many customers before it stops working and you become too “mainstream.” But, if you’re looking for a way to separate yourself from the market, being an underdog outsider might be one strategy to try.
Call Marcy Design, a Columbus Ohio website design company to help with your web, marketing and advertising campaigns.