Columbus Web Design 614.224.6226

Sep 2024
What is Your Website Key Feature?


Website Key Feature

The success of a website often hinges on its features and functionality. Identifying these early in the project is crucial for ensuring the website meets user expectations and business needs. Your website key feature might include e-commerce capabilities, user login systems, blog platforms, contact forms, galleries, video players, or even advanced tools like chatbots or customer support modules.

E-commerce websites require more complex functionalities, such as shopping carts, payment gateways, product reviews, and customer profiles. Depending on the complexity of the business, you might need to integrate multiple payment options, from credit cards to digital wallets like PayPal or Apple Pay. Security features like SSL certificates, encrypted transactions, and privacy policies must also be in place to ensure user trust and legal compliance.

Other businesses might need a strong focus on content management, making a CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress or Joomla a vital website key feature. This would allow non-technical users to update blogs, product listings, or other content without developer intervention. A membership site might need login functionality and restricted content areas accessible only to paying users. For companies with a global presence, multi-language support is often a priority.

The choice of your website key feature can also affect the technology stack. For instance, if your website requires real-time updates, such as in stock levels or booking availability, you may need dynamic database-driven functionality. Consider integrations with CRM systems, analytics tools, or email marketing platforms to ensure seamless operations across your business systems. A clear list of essential features at the planning stage ensures that the development team builds a solution that meets the needs of both the business and the user.

For Columbus Ohio Web Design Call Marcy Design

And finally Marcy Design is named after Mount Marcy, the tallest mountain in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. The founder of Marcy Design climbed Mt. Marcy over 30 years ago. It was at the top of the mountain that a new company was born. As a Columbus Ohio Website Design company. We will work with your business producing quality work and be more effective at marketing. And increase sales through online and traditional methods. So, ask more questions!


Need more information about who we are, what we do or maybe even our favorite restaurant? We’re here to chat. Tell us about your company and how business is going. Feel free to call, send an email, Tweet or simply complete the contact form. We love hearing about exciting new ideas!

2461 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 224-6226

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